Walking Netball removes participation barriers so that anyone can play, regardless of age, fitness level or netball experience.

Walking Netball is an initiative brought to you by Netball Northern Territory. These fun, low impact and inclusive sessions are held twice a week at the Territory Netball Stadium:

  • Tuesday 6.00pm - age 15 and over years
  • Wednesday 10.00am - age 50 and over (morning tea provided)

For more information on Walking Netball in Darwin, please contact Participation Officer Skye on 0428 524 787 or email participation@netballnt.org.au

For Palmerston, please contact Palmerston Netball Association at palmerstonnetball@hotmail.com

For Alice Springs, please call Alice Springs Netball Association 08 8952 7392 or email netball@alicespringsnetball.com.au 

We look forward to walking netball every Wednesday morning. We both enjoy the socialisation, exercise, brain/eye coordination and coffee and bikkies afterwards. Got involved after supporting daughter’s involvement for more than 10 years. As we both had never played, there was a learning curve with support from organisers and colleagues. Recommend to all. 

Brian and Robyn Radunz

- No Running: Players must always have one foot placed on the ground when moving on the court and maintain an upright stance to avoid speeding.
- No Jumping: Players must not have both feet leave the ground at any time during play. 
- 1-2 Steps: For safety and balance, players can take 1-2 small steps once possession of the ball is taken at any point during play. 
- Possession Time: Players are allowed 4 seconds before they must pass or shoot the ball. 

All other rules are as per regular netball.

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